Build engaging content at massive scale

Play's AI voice generators come with multiple voices in multiple languages out of the box. Use our voice studio, or our API to build content at scale

Trusted by teams at

Our voices keep users engaged

Play's voices are the most fluid and emotional in the market, with 8 / 10 users preferring them over the leading competitor. Hands up who wants monotone training....Anyone? .... Anyone?

Our voices keep users engaged
Easy to use

It's easy to use

Our voice studio makes it simple to build your content at scale. Select a voice, drop in the text, and it's a go. Generate an army of content without the army

It's multilingual

Need to create content in French? Japanese? With over 30 languages supported, you're covered. Pick a language, voice, and drop in the text


They're accurate

Our voice models are fine tuned to handle complex acronyms and numerical sequences like credit cards and phone numbers accurately, with correct pace and intonation

It's affordable

Our voice AI models are efficient and fast, meaning they're cost efficient for us, and you. Call us if you've custom volume requirements


Key Features

Lifelike voices

Play's TTS voice models lead the industry in voice quality, prosody and intonation.

Low latency

Time to first audio as low as 125ms with Play 3.0 mini, less if on-prem deployment required

Easy to use

Voice AI generation and customization all supported by easy to use APIs.


Dialog is fine-tuned to ensure accurate generation of acronyms, numerical sequences (e.g. phone, credit card numbers).


English, Spanish, Arabic fully supported; 25+ languages under development


All models are GDPR, ISO 27001 and SOC 2 type II compliant. On-prem also available.

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